Loan Pay
Loan Pay is a quick, secure way for you to make loan payments with funds from another financial institution at any time, day or night.
- Pay your Financial Plus loan using a debit card from another financial institution
Bill Pay
Schedule your bills to be taken out once or on a recurring basis.
- Pay bills from your Financial Plus account automatically
- Located in digital banking
A stress-free solution to make payments on your Financial Plus loan from another account.
- Link an account from another institution
- Located in digital banking
eStatus Connect (Mortgage Payments)
Keep track of your home loan payments, payment history, and more with eStatus Connect.
- A simple way to pay your mortgage payments
- Located in digital banking
Direct Deposit
Set up direct deposit of your paycheck, pension or retirement check, and Social Security checks so that your money goes directly into your Financial Plus account.
Automated Phone Banking
Safely and securely manage your finances 24/7 by phone by calling (800) 234-5884, and following the prompts within the menu.
Mail your Payment
Mail to: Financial Plus Credit Union
Address: P.O. Box 7006 Flint, MI 48507
Bill Pay
Enroll in Bill Pay:
- Login to digital banking
- Select "Bill Pay" from the menu
- Click "Enroll"
You’ll be activated and ready to go within two business days. Not enrolled in digital banking? Enroll now.
Enroll in Transfers:
- Login to digital banking
- Select "Transfers" from the menu
- Add an external transfers account from an institution (must provide account and routing number)
Allow up to 72 hours to verify micro-deposits and enjoy transferring to and from your institution anytime, anywhere. Not enrolled in digital banking? Enroll now.
eStatus Connect (Mortgage Payments)
Use eStatus Connect within digital banking to make payments and view:
- Payment due date
- Payment history
- Current loan balances
- Previous and current year-to-date totals
- Upcoming interest and escrow changes
Direct Deposit
Set up direct deposit of your paycheck, pension or retirement check, and Social Security checks so that your money goes directly into your Financial Plus account. It’s easy - most employers allow you to set up direct deposit online through payroll. If not, download and complete the Direct Deposit form below then give it to your payroll department.
For pension and Social Security Direct Deposit, you will need to call to set it up. Be sure you obtain your Financial Plus account number, routing number (272480128), and the amount of your last Social Security check prior to calling.
Automated Phone Banking
Enrolling is easy, start the process by chatting with us online or at any Financial Plus location.
Upon enrollment, call (800) 234-5884, and follow the prompts to create your personal access code. Creating your personal access code will also allow you to identify yourself as our member when calling our Contact Center, making your call faster.
Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications, and collateral conditions. All loans subject to approval. Some restrictions apply.